< PreviousField Device Integration (FDI) – Part 4: FDI Packages RELEASED FCG TS62769-4 , Ed. 1.2.0, 21 Jun 2019 Page 59 of 79 </xs:complexType> The attributes of a LocalizedStringT type are described in Table E.17. Table E.17 – Attributes of LocalizedStringT Attribute Description lang Language code according to ISO 639-1 E.24 PackageT The PackageT complex type specifies the elements of the Package Catalog. The XML schema for a PackageT type is: <xs:complexType name="PackageT"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="PackageId" type="fdi:UuidT"/> <xs:element name="PackageType" type="fdi:PackageTypeT"/> <xs:element name="Version" type="fdi:VersionT"/> <xs:element name="FdiVersionSupported" type="fdi:VersionT"/> <xs:element name="ManufacturerName" type="fdi:String256T"/> <xs:element name="ManufacturerContact" type="fdi:LocalizedStringT" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ManufacturerUrl" type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ManufacturerImage" type="fdi:RelationshipIdT" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="CommunicationServer" type="fdi:CommunicationServerT" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ListOfDeviceTypes" type="fdi:ListOfDeviceTypesT" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> The elements of a PackageT type are described in Table E.18. Table E.18 – Elements of PackageT Element Description PackageId Unique identifier of the FDI Package PackageType Identifies the unique type of the FDI Package Version Unique version number for the FDI Package according to the FDI version convention FdiVersionSupported FDI Technology Version supported by the FDI Package ManufacturerName Manufacturer name of the FDI Package ManufacturerContact General contact information for the manufacturer of the FDI Package. Contact information can be localized ManufacturerUrl Website contact for the manufacturer of the FDI Package ManufacturerImage Reference to an image in the FDI package of the manufacturer's logo. The image shall be PNG format and have a resolution of 256 × 256 Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 4: FDI Packages RELEASED FCG TS62769-4, Ed. 1.2.0, 21 Jun 2019 Page 60 of 79 CommunicationServer Information on how to discover an FDI Communication Server This information shall only be provided for packages of an FDI Communication Server. ListOfDeviceTypes List of device types available in the FDI Package. Mandatory for PackageTypes Device, Profile and Communication E.25 PackageTypeT The PackageTypeT simple type specifies the FDI Package type. The XML schema for a PackageTypeT enumeration type is: <xs:simpleType name="PackageTypeT"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="Device"/> <xs:enumeration value="Uip"/> <xs:enumeration value="Communication"/> <xs:enumeration value="Profile"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> The enumeration values of a PackageTypeT enumeration type are described in Table E.19. Table E.19 – Enumerations of PackageTypeT Enumeration Description Device FDI Device Package Uip FDI UIP Package Communication FDI Communication Package Profile FDI Profile Package E.26 PlatformT The PlatformT simple type defines the target platform for the UIP Variant. The XML schema for a PlatformT enumeration type is: <xs:simpleType name="PlatformT"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="Workstation"/> <xs:enumeration value="Mobile"/> <xs:enumeration value="WorkstationAndMobile"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> The enumeration values of a PlatformT enumeration type are described in Table E.20. Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 4: FDI Packages RELEASED FCG TS62769-4 , Ed. 1.2.0, 21 Jun 2019 Page 61 of 79 Table E.20 – Enumerations of PlatformT Enumeration Description Workstation Workstation platform Mobile Mobile platform WorkstationAndMobile Workstation and Mobile Platform E.27 RegDeviceTypeT The RegDeviceTypeT complex type specifies a device type definition. The XML schema for a RegDeviceTypeT type is: <xs:complexType name="RegDeviceTypeT"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Manufacturer" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="DeviceModel" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="ListOfRegistrations" type="fdi:ListOfRegistrationsT"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> The elements of a RegDeviceTypeT type are described in Table E.21. Table E.21 – Elements of RegDeviceTypeT Element Description Manufacturer Specific manufacturer identifier given by the communication profile rules DeviceModel Specific device type identifier given by the communication profile rules ListOfRegistrations Collection of Registrations with detailed registration information E.28 RegistrationT The RegistrationT complex type specifies details about the registration. The XML schema for a RegistrationT type is: <xs:complexType name="RegistrationT"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="RegistrationDate" type="xs:date"/> <xs:element name="RegAuthorityIdent" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="RegistrationData" type="fdi:ListOfLocalizedStringsT"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> The elements of a RegistrationT type are described in Table E.22. Table E.22 – Elements of RegistrationT Element Description RegistrationDate Date when Registration Certificate was issued in format Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 4: FDI Packages RELEASED FCG TS62769-4, Ed. 1.2.0, 21 Jun 2019 Page 62 of 79 YYYY-MM-DD RegAuthorityIdent Identification information of the FDI Registration Authority (typically name and address) RegistrationData Data indicating the scope of the registration (description of test procedures, versions, validity, …) – localized E.29 RelationshipIdT The RelationshipId simple type specifies the relationship ID in a part's relationship item for an embedded item within the FDI Package as specified in ISO/IEC 29500-2:2011, 9.3.2. The XML schema for a RelationshipIdT type is: <xs:simpleType name="RelationshipIdT"> <xs:restriction base="xs:ID"/> </xs:simpleType> E.30 String256T The String256T simple type specifies a string restricted to 256 or fewer characters. The XML schema for a String256T type is: <xs:simpleType name="String256T"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="256"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> E.31 SupportedUipT The SupportedUipT complex type specifies elements of a User Interface Plug-in. The XML schema for a SupportedUipT type is: <xs:complexType name="SupportedUipT"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="UipId" type="fdi:UuidT"/> <xs:element name="Name" type="fdi:String256T"/> <xs:element name="Version" type="fdi:VersionSupportedT"/> <xs:element name="Optional" type="xs:boolean"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> The elements of a SupportedUipT type are described in Table E.23. Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 4: FDI Packages RELEASED FCG TS62769-4 , Ed. 1.2.0, 21 Jun 2019 Page 63 of 79 Table E.23 – Elements of SupportedUipT Element Description UipId Identifier for a UIP Name Name of the UIP Version Versions of the UIP that are compatible with this FDI Package Optional If true, then the UIP is optional for the proper device integration. If false, then the UIP is required for proper device integration. E.32 UipCatalog The UipCatalog is the mandatory root element for the UIP Catalog of a User Interface Plug-in. The XML schema for a UipCatalog element is: <xs:element name="UipCatalog" type="fdi:UipT"/> E.33 UipStyleT The UipStyleT simple type specifies the style a UIP should run. The XML schema for a UipStyleT enumeration type is: <xs:simpleType name="UipStyleT" default="DIALOG"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="WINDOW"/> <xs:enumeration value="DIALOG"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> The enumeration values of a UipStyleT enumeration type are described in Table E.24. Table E.24 – Enumerations of UipStyleT Enumeration Description WINDOW UIP should run as a modeless window If the parent starting the UIP is running modal, the UIP will run modal, otherwise modeless DIALOG UIP will always run as a modal window E.34 UipT The UipT complex type specifies the elements of the User Interface Plug-in catalog. The XML schema for a UipT type is: <xs:complexType name="UipT"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="UipId" type="fdi:UuidT"/> Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 4: FDI Packages RELEASED FCG TS62769-4, Ed. 1.2.0, 21 Jun 2019 Page 64 of 79 <xs:element name="Name" type="fdi:String256T"/> <xs:element name="Version" type="fdi:VersionT"/> <xs:element name="FdiVersionSupported" type="fdi:VersionT"/> <xs:element name="Additional" type="fdi:String256T"/> <xs:element name="Style" type="fdi:UipStyleT "/> <xs:element name="ListOfUipVariants" type="fdi:ListOfUipVariantsT"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> The elements of a UipT type are described in Table E.25. Table E.25 – Elements of UipT Element Description UipId Unique identifier of the UIP Name Name of the UIP Version Version of the UIP FdiVersionSupported Version of the FDI Technology supported by this UIP Additional Additional information about the UIP Style style of the UIP identifying where running modal or non-modal ListOfUIPVariants List of UIP Variants provided by this UIP E.35 UipVariantT The UipVariantT complex Type specifies the elements of a User Interface Plug-in variant. The XML schema for a UipVariantT type is: <xs:complexType name="UipVariantT"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Variant" type="fdi:RelationshipIdT"/> <xs:element name="Version" type="fdi:VersionT"/> <xs:element name="PlatformId" type="fdi:PlatformT"/> <xs:element name="RuntimeId" type="fdi:RuntimeIdT"/> <xs:element name="CpuInformation" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"> <xs:element name="StartElementName" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="ListOfDocuments" type="fdi:ListOfDocumentsT" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> The elements of a UipVariantT type are described in Table E.26. Table E.26 – Elements of UipVariantT Element Description Variant Reference to the UIP variant within the FDI Package Version Version of the UIP Variant PlatformId Platform of the UIP Variant RuntimeId Runtime environment of the UIP as specified in FCG TS62769-6. The possible Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 4: FDI Packages RELEASED FCG TS62769-4 , Ed. 1.2.0, 21 Jun 2019 Page 65 of 79 values of this element are restricted to the RuntimeIds defined for the specific FDI Technology version in FCG TS10099. CpuInformation The element value provides additional information about the execution environment associated with the UIP runtime. The allowed values are specified in FCG TS62769-6 StartElementName Element that is loaded on an FDI Client to start the UIP Variant as specified in FCG TS62769-6 ListOfDocuments Optional list of references to documents for this UIP Variant E.36 UuidT The UuidT simple type specifies a universally unique identifier as specified by ISO/IEC 11578. The UuidT is restricted to the formal xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx where x is a hexadecimal digit. The XML schema for a UuidT type is: <xs:simpleType name="UuidT"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a- fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> E.37 VersionSupportedT The VersionSupportedT simple type specifies version compatibility. Version can be explicitly referenced (e.g. 01.01.01) or the * wild card can be used to specify a range of compatibility (e.g. 01.01.*). Wildcards are permitted for minor release and revision. The XML schema for a VersionSupportedT type is: <xs:simpleType name="VersionSupportedT"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="16"/> <xs:pattern value="(\d{2})\.((\d{2}\.(\d{2}|\*))|(\*\.\*))"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> E.38 VersionT The VersionT simple type specifies a version restricted to the format major.minor.revision. The XML schema for a VersionT type is: <xs:simpleType name="VersionT"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="16"/> <xs:pattern value="(\d{2})\.(\d{2})\.(\d{2})"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 4: FDI Packages RELEASED FCG TS62769-4, Ed. 1.2.0, 21 Jun 2019 Page 66 of 79 Annex F (normative) Communication protocol specific profiles Communication protocol specifics are described in so called “Protocol specific profile documents”. The creation and maintenance of those documents is the responsibility of the respective interest group representing the communication protocol (see Table F.1). Table F.1 – Communication protocol interest groups (alphabetical order) Protocol Interest Group FOUNDATION Fieldbus a) FieldComm Group HART b) , WirelessHART c) FieldComm Group PROFIBUSd), PROFINETe) PROFIBUS and PROFINET International ISA100 f) International Society of Automation (ISA) a) According to IEC 61784-1, CPF1. b) According to IEC 61784-1, CP9/1. c) According to IEC 62591. d) According to IEC 61784-1, CPF3. e) According to IEC 61784-2, CPF3. f) According to IEC 62734. NOTE See the trade name declarations in IEC 61784-1 and IEC 61784-2. Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 4: FDI Packages RELEASED FCG TS62769-4 , Ed. 1.2.0, 21 Jun 2019 Page 67 of 79 Annex G (informative) FDI Package life-cycle use cases G.1 New Device Type Adding new devices to a plant is a typical use case when a plant or part of a plant is being extended. The new device type may be handled by an FDI Package that is already installed or it may need a new FDI Package that represents the new device type in the system. An already installed FDI Package might also be upgraded or a new specific FDI Package is required in order to support a new device type. G.2 Replacement of Device During the life-cycle of a plant it may happen that there is a need to repair or replace a device or device module. For example, in the case of Modular Devices, individual parts of the device are replaceable. Table G.2 shows device replacement guidelines. Table G.2– Device Replacement Guidelines Device Manufacturer Scenario Guideline Same manufacturer Same type and same device version — Same manufacturer Same type and new device version May require an FDI Package update or upgrade Same manufacturer New type that is functionally compatible May require an FDI Package update or upgrade or a new FDI Package Same manufacturer New type, that is functionally incompatible Similar to that of the guideline for the new device type Different manufacturer Any Similar to that of the guideline for the new device type The device vendor shall communicate which FDI Package versions can be used for the new device revision. The vendor shall provide information on how to detect if the FDI Package shall be updated/upgraded and where to get this update/upgrade. Furthermore the vendor shall provide a new or updated FDI Package version, if a device revision (Hardware) is incompatible with an already existing FDI Package version. G.3 Firmware enhancements An update of the device firmware may be required to fix errors that were detected in the firmware during the life-cycle of the device. The device vendor provides maintenance of the device firmware by firmware updates, spare parts or replacement devices. Updating the device firmware is equivalent to the replacement of a device by the same type but new version (updated firmware). The functionality of a device may be extended by upgrading the device firmware or changing the configuration of the device, for example, by installing a new device module. Table G.3 shows firmware enhancement guidelines. Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 4: FDI Packages RELEASED FCG TS62769-4, Ed. 1.2.0, 21 Jun 2019 Page 68 of 79 Table G.3 – Firmware enhancement guidelines Firmware Guideline Update An update of firmware versions shall not require a new FDI Package version Upgrade In order to use this additional or enhanced functionality an FDI Package upgrade may be required. Nevertheless the existing FDI Package version should be able to work with the new device firmware without leveraging the new device functionality G.4 FDI Package life-cycle polices An FDI Package (including updates/upgrades) shall be shipped with product documentation including installation requirements, installation guideline, product description and release notes. G.5 FDI Package update A newer version of an FDI Package shall support all device types and data of the previous version of the FDI Package. An FDI Package update should not change the scope of use. This includes: • the available functionality (also user interface related) • the supported device types • the supported bus protocols • the data items • the supported operating systems G.6 FDI Package upgrade A newer version of an FDI Package shall support all device types and data of the previous version of the FDI Package. An FDI Package upgrade might change the scope of use. This includes: • the additional available functionality (also user interface related) • the additional supported device types • the additional supported bus protocols • the additional data items • the additional supported operating systems G.7 FDI Package replacement/exchange A system should implement an FDI Package replacement strategy in order to support replacement of an FDI Package by another FDI Package in a project. The system should provide a means to detect, if an already installed FDI Package can handle the new device type or if a new FDI Package shall be installed. G.8 FDI Package uninstallation The FDI Package shall provide all means for an easy removal. An unsuccessful removal shall be indicated by the system. Next >