< PreviousField Device Integration (FDI) – Part 150-1: Profiles – ISA100 WIRELESS RELEASED FCG TS62769-150-1 , Ed. 1.2.0, 23 Jul 2019 Page 9 of 26 Table 4 – Device type catalog mapping Catalog Element CP Mapping Manufacturer element of InterfaceT (IEC 62769-4) UAPMO.IDENT_NUMBER 0x00FFFFFF00000000 String format “0xdddddd” where dddddd is theVendor ID number in hexadecimal format. DeviceModel element of InterfaceT (IEC 62769-4) UAPMO.IDENT_NUMBER 0x00000000FFFF0000String format “0xdddd” where dddd is the Model ID number in hexadecimal format. DeviceRevision element ListOfSupportedDeviceRevisionsT (IEC 62769-4) UAPMO.IDENT_NUMBER 0x000000000000FFFF String format “x.0.0” where x is the Device Revision in decimal format (no leading zeros). Device type revision mapping FCG TS62769-4 envisions a concept that allows to determine the compatibility between an FDI Device Package and a Device. FCG TS62769-4 specifies a life cycle management process bearing on a single version information provided for the entire device. Mapping of version information is defined in Table 4. 5.4 Information Model mapping ProtocolType definition In Table 5 a subtype of ProtocolType is defined to identify network communication using this profile. Table 5 – Protocol type ISA100 WIRELESS Attribute Value BrowseName ISA100_Wireless IsAbstract False References NodeClass BrowseName DataType TypeDefinition ModellingRule Subtype of the ProtocolType defined in IEC 62541-100. DeviceType mapping Each device type inherits the properties of DeviceType. The mapping of the inherited properties from DeviceType is defined in Table 6. Table 6 – Inherited DeviceType property mapping Property ISA100 WIRELESS Mapping SerialNumber DMO.EUI_64 – 8 byte Extended Unique Identifier defined in DMO RevisionCounter UAPMO.Static_Revision_Level - 2 byte revision counter defined in UAPMO Manufacturer String taken from FDI package catalog (ManufacturerName from PackageT) Model String taken from FDI package catalog (Name of DeviceTypeT, which is a localized name) DeviceManual empty text string (not supported) a Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 150-1: Profiles – ISA100 WIRELESS RELEASED FCG TS62769-150-1, Ed. 1.2.0, 23 Jul 2019 Page 10 of 26 DeviceRevision DEV_REV (UAPMO) SoftwareRevision empty string (not defined) HardwareRevision empty string (not defined) a Device manuals are exposed as attachments of the FDI Device Package. FunctionalGroup identification definition As defined in IEC 62541-100:–, 5.3, each device representation in the FDI Server hosted Information Model shall contain a protocol specific FunctionalGroup named Identification. This FunctionalGroup organizes variables found in the UAPMO of the device type instance. The FunctionalGroup Identification for ISA100 WIRELESS is defined in Table 7. Table 7 – ISA100 Wireless Device Types identification attributes BrowseName DataType Mandatory/Optional MANUFAC_ID UInt32 Mandatory DEV_TYPE UInt16 Mandatory DEV_REV UInt16 Mandatory HARDWARE_REV String Optional SOFTWARE_REV String Optional ITS_VER UInt16 Mandatory BlockType property mapping ISA100 WIRELESS device types are object oriented referred as block-oriented according to IEC 62541-100. FCG TS62769-5 specifies the mapping of EDDL BLOCK_A elements to block types and instances The BLOCK_A maps as a subtype of the topology element BlockType and inherits the properties per IEC 62541-100. The mapping of the inherited properties of the BlockType is specified in Table 8 . Table 8 – Inherited BlockType property mapping Property ISA100 Wireless Mapping (Object ParameterSet) RevisionCounter ST_REV ActualMode MODE_BLK.ACTUAL PermittedMode MODE_BLK.PERMITTED NormalMode MODE_BLK.NORMAL TargetMode MODE_BLK.TARGET Mapping to Object ParameterSet The ParameterSet is relative to each Object. The ParameterSet includes all the parameters found in the PARAMETERS, LOCAL_PARAMETERS and LIST_ITEMS. The browse name of the parameters found in the PARAMETERS and LOCAL_PARAMETERS is the member name in the respective lists. For example, ST_REV is the browse name of the Static Revision parameter. LIST_ITEMS do not have member names; therefore the browse name of each LIST in the LIST_ITEMS is the item name of the list. Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 150-1: Profiles – ISA100 WIRELESS RELEASED FCG TS62769-150-1 , Ed. 1.2.0, 23 Jul 2019 Page 11 of 26 5.5 Topology elements ConnectionPoint definition The ConnectionPoint type ConnectionPoint_ISA100_Wireless shall be used to identify ISA100 WIRELESS network communication and is defined in Table 9. The ConnectionPoint type ConnectionPoint_ISA100_Wireless is a sub type of the abstract type ConnectionPointType defined in IEC 62541-100. The DevAddr property shall be the IPV6 (16 bytes) address of the device. The DevMfg property shall be the 4-byte UAPMO.IDENT_NUMBER.VendorID, and can be used to help automate the process of assigning live devices in the scan list to offline placeholders. The DevType property shall be the 2-byte UAPMO.IDENT_NUMBER.ModelID, and can be used to help automate the process of assigning live devices in the scan list to offline placeholders. The DevRev property shall be the UAPMO.UAPMO.IDENT_NUMBER.DeviceRevision, and can be used to help automate the process of assigning live devices in the scan list to offline placeholders The DevTag property shall be the DMO.Tag_Name (16 characters) The DevPollAddr property shall be the DMO.DMO.DL_Address_16_Bit (2 bytes) Table 9 – ConnectionPointType ConnnectionPoint_ISA100_Wireless definition Attribute Value BrowseName ConnectionPoint_ISA100_Wireless IsAbstract False References NodeClass BrowseName DataType TypeDefinition ModellingRule Inherits the properties of ConnectionPointType defined in IEC 62541-100. HasProperty Variable IPAddress ByteString PropertyType Mandatory HasProperty Variable DevMfg UInt32 PropertyType Optional HasProperty Variable DevType UInt16 PropertyType Optional HasProperty Variable DevRev UInt16 PropertyType Optional HasProperty Variable DevTag String PropertyType Optional HasProperty Variable DevPollAddr UInt16 PropertyType Optional The ConnectionPoint type ISA100_Wireless shall be described by an EDD element contained in a Communication Device related FDI Package that can drive an ISA100 Wireless network. Actual ConnectionPoint properties are declared by VARIABLE constructs grouped together in a COLLECTION named ConnectionPoint_ISA100_Wireless_Properties. The following EDDL source code is an example describing ISA100 connection point. COMPONENT ConnectionPoint_ISA100_Wireless { LABEL "ISA100 Wireless Connection point"; CLASSIFICATION NETWORK_CONNECTION_POINT; CAN_DELETE FALSE; PROTOCOL ISA100_Wireless; CONNECTION_POINT ConnectionPoint_ISA100_Wireless_Properties; } COLLECTION ConnectionPoint_ISA100_Wireless_Properties { LABEL "ISA100 Wireless Connection Point data"; Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 150-1: Profiles – ISA100 WIRELESS RELEASED FCG TS62769-150-1, Ed. 1.2.0, 23 Jul 2019 Page 12 of 26 MEMBERS { ADDRESS, IPAddress, "Device Address"; MFG, DevMfg, "Manufacturer"; DEV_TYPE, DevType, "Device Type"; DEV_REV, DevRev, "Device Revision"; TAG, DevTag, "Device Tag"; POLL_ADDR, DevPollAddr, "Poll Address"; } } VARIABLE IPAddress { LABEL "ISA100 Wireless Node Address"; HELP "Address of the ISA100 Node"; CLASS DEVICE; TYPE OCTET (16 ); HANDLING READ & WRITE; } VARIABLE DevMfg { LABEL "Manufacturer"; CLASS DEVICE; TYPE UNSIGNED_INTEGER(4); HANDLING READ & WRITE; } VARIABLE DevType { LABEL "Model Id"; CLASS DEVICE; TYPE UNSIGNED_INTEGER(2); HANDLING READ & WRITE; } VARIABLE DevRev { LABEL "Device Revision"; CLASS DEVICE; TYPE UNSIGNED_INTEGER(2); HANDLING READ & WRITE; } VARIABLE DevTag { LABEL "Tag"; CLASS DEVICE; TYPE ASCII(16); HANDLING READ & WRITE; } VARIABLE DevPollAddr { Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 150-1: Profiles – ISA100 WIRELESS RELEASED FCG TS62769-150-1 , Ed. 1.2.0, 23 Jul 2019 Page 13 of 26 LABEL "Poll Address"; HELP “Short address of the device”; CLASS DEVICE; TYPE UNSIGNED_INTEGER(2) { MIN_VALUE 01; //Define appropriate min value for various revisions } HANDLING READ & WRITE; } Communication Device definition According to FCG TS62769-7 each FDI Communication Package shall contain an EDD element describing the communication device. The following EDDL source code in is an example describing a Communication Server. COMPONENT ISA100_Wireless_Communication_Server { LABEL "ISA100 Wireless communication server", PRODUCT_URI "urn:Wireless Compliance Institute:ISA100 Wireless Communication Server"; CAN_DELETE TRUE; CLASSIFICATION NETWORK_COMPONENT; COMPONENT_RELATIONS { ISA100_Wireless_Communication_Device_Setup } } COMPONENT_RELATION ISA100_Wireless_Communication_Device_Setup { LABEL "Relation between Device and communication device"; RELATION_TYPE CHILD_COMPONENT; ADDRESSING {IPAddress} COMPONENTS { ISA100_Wireless_Communication_Device{AUTO_CREATE 1;} } } Semantics of the EDDL constructs shown with the EDDL source code above are described in FCG TS62769-7. The EDDL COMPONENT will be utilized by the FDI server and FDI Communication Server to create an instance of type CommunicationServerType as described in FCG TS62769-7. According to FCG TS62769-7 each FDI Communication Package shall contain at least one EDD element describing at least one Communication Device component. The following EDDL source code is an example for a ISA100 WIRELESS communication device. COMPONENT ISA100_Wireless_Communication_Device { LABEL "ISA100 Wireless communication device"; CAN_DELETE TRUE; CLASSIFICATION NETWORK_COMPONENT; COMPONENT_RELATIONS { ISA100_Wireless_Service_Provider_Relation } Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 150-1: Profiles – ISA100 WIRELESS RELEASED FCG TS62769-150-1, Ed. 1.2.0, 23 Jul 2019 Page 14 of 26 } COMPONENT_RELATION ISA100_Wireless_Service_Provider_Relation { LABEL "ISA100 Wireless communication service provider”; RELATION_TYPE CHILD_COMPONENT; COMPONENTS { ISA100_Wireless_Service_Provider{AUTO_CREATE 1;} } MINIMUM_NUMBER 1; MAXIMUM_NUMBER 1; } Semantics of the EDDL constructs shown with the EDDL source code above are described in FCG TS62769-7. The EDDL COMPONENT will be utilized by the FDI server and FDI Communication Server to create an instance of type ServerCommunicationDeviceType as described in FCG TS62769-7. Communication service provider definition According to FCG TS62769-7 each FDI Communication Package shall contain at least one EDD element describing at least one communication service provider component. The following EDDL source code below is an example for an ISA100 Wireless communication service provider component: The component reference (ConnectionPoint_ISA100_Wireless) corresponds to the related connection point definition in 5.5. COMPONENT ISA100_Wireless_Service_Provider { LABEL "ISA100 Wireless communication service provider"; CAN_DELETE FALSE; CLASSIFICATION NETWORK_COMMUNICATION_SERVICE_PROVIDER; COMPONENT_RELATIONS { ISA100_Wireless_Connection_Point_Relation } BYTE_ORDER BIG_ENDIAN; } COMPONENT_RELATION ISA100_Wireless_Service_Provider_Connection_Point_Relation { LABEL "Relation between communication service provider and connection point"; RELATION_TYPE CHILD_COMPONENT; ADDRESSING {IPAddress} COMPONENTS { ConnectionPoint_ISA100_Wireless{ AUTO_CREATE 1;} } MINIMUM_NUMBER 1; MAXIMUM_NUMBER 1; } Semantics of the EDDL constructs shown with the EDDL source code above are described in FCG TS62769-7. The EDDL COMPONENT will be utilized by the FDI server and FDI Communication Server to create an instance of type ServerCommunicationServiceType as described in FCG TS62769-7 Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 150-1: Profiles – ISA100 WIRELESS RELEASED FCG TS62769-150-1 , Ed. 1.2.0, 23 Jul 2019 Page 15 of 26 Network definition According to FCG TS62769-7 each FDI Communication Package shall contain at least one EDD element describing network configuration constraints using the component construct. COMPONENT Network_ISA100_Wireless { LABEL "ISA100 Network"; CAN_DELETE TRUE; CLASSIFICATION NETWORK; PROTOCOL ISA100_WIRELESS; COMPONENT_RELATIONS { ISA100_Wireless_Network_Connection_Point_Relation } COMPONENT_RELATION ISA100_Wireless_Network_Connection_Point_Relation { LABEL "Relation between network and connection point"; RELATION_TYPE CHILD_COMPONENT; ADDRESSING {IPAddress} COMPONENTS { ConnectionPoint_ISA100_Wireless } MINIMUM_NUMBER 1; MAXIMUM_NUMBER 1; } Semantics of the EDDL constructs shown with the EDDL source code above are described in FCG TS62769-7. The EDDL COMPONENT will be utilized by the FDI server and FDI Communication Server to create an instance of type NetworkType as described in IEC 62541-100. 5.6 Methods Methods for FDI Communication Servers General The Communication Server contained Information Model shall implement services according to method signatures described in 5.6.1. Connect Table 10 shows the Method Connect arguments. Signature: Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 150-1: Profiles – ISA100 WIRELESS RELEASED FCG TS62769-150-1, Ed. 1.2.0, 23 Jul 2019 Page 16 of 26 Connect ( [in] ByteString CommunicationRelationId, [in] ByteString IPAddress, [in] UInt32 ConnectType, [out] Int32 ServiceError); Table 10 – Method Connect arguments Argument Description CommunicationRelationId The argument value contains the nodeId of the Device ConnectionPoint representing the connection between a device and a physical network which is directly connected to the FDI Communication Server hardware. The nodeId allows finding the direct parent-child relation. IPAddress The argument name shall match with the corresponding attribute name defined for the ConnectionPoint which is described by a corresponding EDD element specified in 5.5.1. The argument value holds the device’s node address. ConnectType ConnectType specifies the type of connection communication server shall make with the ISA100 Wireless device. Below are valid connection types 0: Client 1: Server 2: Publisher 3: Subscriber 4: Bulk Transfer Client 6: Reserved 7: Alert Subscription ServiceError 0: OK / execution finished, connection established successfully -1: Connect Failed / canceled by caller -2: Call Failed / unknown service ID -3: Connect Failed / device not found -4: Connect Failed / invalid device node address -5: Connect Failed / invalid device identification NOTE1 FCG TS62769-7 defines the argument AddressData of the Connect Method as an array of Variant. The address arguments defined with the table are represented as entries of the Variant array in the order they are specified above. NOTE2 FCG TS62769-7 defines the argument DeviceInformation as a protocol specific argument list in which the Connect Method stores the resulting data. The DeviceInformation argument is defined as an array of Variant. The DeviceInformation argument is not used for ISA100 Wireless devices. Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 150-1: Profiles – ISA100 WIRELESS RELEASED FCG TS62769-150-1 , Ed. 1.2.0, 23 Jul 2019 Page 17 of 26 Disconnect Table 11 shows the Method Disconnect arguments. Signature: Disconnect( [in] ByteString CommunicationRelationId, [out] UInt32 ServiceError) Table 11 – Method Disconnect arguments Argument Description CommunicationRelationId The argument value contains the nodeId of the Device ConnectionPoint representing the connection between a device and a physical network which is directly connected to the FDI Communication Server hardware. The nodeId allows finding the direct parent-child relation. ServiceError 0: OK / disconnect finished successfully -1: Disconnect Failed / no existing communication relation -2: Disconnect Failed / invalid communication relation identifier Transfer Table 12 shows the Method Transfer arguments. Signature Transfer ( [in] ByteString CommunicationRelationId, [in] String Operation, [in] UInt16 AppID, [in] UInt16 ObjectID, [in] UInt16 AttrOrMethID, [in] UInt16 SubIndex, [in] Byte[] WriteData, [in] UInt32 RequestId, [out] Byte[] ReadData, [out] Int32 ServiceError); Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 150-1: Profiles – ISA100 WIRELESS RELEASED FCG TS62769-150-1, Ed. 1.2.0, 23 Jul 2019 Page 18 of 26 Table 12 – Method Transfer arguments Argument Description CommunicationRelationId The argument value contains the nodeId of the ConnectionPoint representing the connection between a device and a physical network within the Information Model. Operation The argument value indicates the data transfer operation. The allowed values are “READ”, “WRITE” and “EXECUTE”. AppID The argument denotes the ID of the application in ISA100 Wireless device being addressed. The CFF file lists all the App IDs present in the device ObjectID The argument denotes the ID of the Object in the application being addressed. AttrOrMethID The argument denotes the ID of the Attribute or the Method in an Object of the particular application being addressed. When the OPERATION is either READ or WRITE this ID shall refer to a valid Attribute number. And when OPERATION is EXECUTE then this ID shall refer to a valid Method number. SubIndex OPERATION indicates “READ” or “WRITE”: The argument denotes the subindex of a member of the Object’s Attribute being addressed if the Attribute is of type RECORD or ARRAY. To address a simple attribute a value of 0 shall be passed with this argument. To address a specific member of an attribute of type RECORD or ARRAY a 1 relative value shall be passed with this argument. To address the attribute of type RECORD or ARRAY as a whole a value of 0 shall be passed with this argument. OPERATION indicates “EXECUTE”: The argument shall be 0 and be ignored. WriteData Write data encoded as byte array. Encoding of integers shall follow the rules defined in IEC 62541-6. The argument shall be ignored if OPERATION indicates a read transfer. RequestId The request transaction code establishes the relation between the request and the corresponding response. ReadData With this argument the read data byte stream is returned as byte array. Encoding of integers shall follow the rules defined in IEC 62541-6. The argument shall be ignored if OPERATION indicates a write transfer or execute transfer. ServiceError 0: OK / execution finished -1: Transfer Failed / canceled by caller -2: Call Failed / unknown request ID -3: Transfer Failed / no existing communication relation. -4: Transfer Failed / invalid communication relation identifier -5: Transfer Failed / invalid Request content -6: Transfer Failed / invalid Response format -xx NOTE 1 FCG TS62769 -7, defines the argument SendData of the Transfer Method as an array of Variant. The arguments Operation, AppID, ObjectID, AttrOrMethID, SubIndex, WriteData and RequestID defined in the table are represented as entries of the Variant array in the order they are specified above. NOTE 2 FCG TS62769-7, defines the argument ReceiveData of the Transfer Method as an array of Variant. The argument ReadData defined in the table is represented as an entry of the Variant array in the order specified above. Next >