< PreviousField Device Integration (FDI) – Part 1: Overview RELEASED FCG TS62769-1 , Ed. 1.2.0, 21 Jun 2019 Page 19 of 29 6.3 FDI Server An FDI Server is provided as part of the automation system. FDI Packages are installed on the FDI Server. The FDI Server serves up information from the FDI Packages to the FDI Clients. The supplier of the automation system can provide both an FDI Server and one or more FDI Clients. These FDI Clients can communicate with the FDI Server through proprietary protocols; however, if the FDI Server supports third-party FDI Clients it shall support OPC UA. The FDI Server is usually distinct from the servers that provide run-time data to the operator, engineering, and maintenance stations. 6.4 FDI Communication Servers An FDI Communication Server can be embedded within a Communication Device or can be provided via a separate server as shown in Figure 2. 6.5 Device Tools A Device Tool is a standalone application that contains both an FDI Client and an FDI Server. The FDI Packages supported by the Device Tool are installed along with the Device Tool. 6.6 Third-party Tools Third-party Tools are applications that contain an FDI Client and communicate with the automation system’s FDI Server. While these tools can be provided by the supplier of the automation system, they are often provided by other vendors. 6.7 Handheld Tools Handheld Tools are applications running on handheld devices. Handheld Tools can be implemented as a Device Tool, where an FDI Client, an FDI Server, and FDI Packages are installed on the handheld device. Handheld Tools can also be implemented as a third-party tool where only an FDI Client is installed on the handheld device. 6.8 Generic OPC UA Clients When an FDI Server is an OPC UA Server (see 6.3), generic OPC UA Clients with no knowledge of FDI can connect to the FDI Server. These clients are limited to general access of the Information Model. In particular, the lack of understanding of User Interface Descriptions and User Interface Plug-ins prevents them from rendering an FDI- based user interface. 7 FDI Host 7.1 Overview FDI Hosts are combinations of FDI Client and FDI Server applications capable of consuming FDI Packages. FDI Hosts are used to access Device data (typically Field Device and Communication Device Parameters) through User Interfaces or directly and may allow the modification of the Device data. FDI Hosts are subject to FDI Host Conformance Tests. There are several possibilities of how FDI Hosts may be structured. Subclauses 7.2 and 7.3 list the different FDI Host Variants, Entities and so called Facets. 7.2 FDI Host Variants and Entities There are different ways to implement and structure an FDI Host: • FDI Host (Single User) Deployed to a single device (e.g. notebooks, mobile computer). Only a single user can work with the host at a Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 1: Overview RELEASED FCG TS62769-1, Ed. 1.2.0, 21 Jun 2019 Page 20 of 29 time. Typical examples are so called Device Tools, standalone device management applications and handheld devices. • FDI Host (Multi User) Installed on a single device but potentially also on several devices (e.g. Client/Server architecture). Multiple users are allowed to use the FDI Host at a time. Concurrent access to device data and the concurrent use of User Interfaces is normal to those hosts. Typical examples are distributed host systems and asset management systems. • FDI Client (OPC UA) An FDI aware client application usually provided separately from a DCS (Distributed Control System) and typically provided from a different vendor. This FDI Client application requires an FDI Host supporting the FDI Information Model Facet (see 7.3) and is only possible with FDI Host (Multi User) variant. • FDI Communication Server This server application is used to connect communication hardware to a communication network (as so called network entry point). The FDI Communication Servers are integrated via FDI Communication Packages but the software as such comes separately or is implemented embedded into the communication hardware. The FDI Communication Server requires an FDI Host supporting the FDI Communication Server Facet. 7.3 FDI Host Facets Optional aspects can be added to FDI Host implementations, extending the host with additional capabilities (see Table 1 and Table 2). • FDI Information Model Facet An FDI Host implementing this facet is required to provide an FDI Information Model as per FCG TS62769-5 and to support OPC UA as a communication mechanism between FDI Servers and Client applications. The host therefore allows using FDI Client (OPC UA) applications. • FDI Communication Server Facet The capabilities of this facet allow the FDI Host to use FDI Communication Servers. Those grant access to communication networks, via Communication Devices that can now be integrated into an FDI Host via FDI Communication Packages as per FCG TS62769-7 and FCG TS62769-4. Table 1 – FDI Host Variants and possible Facets FDI Host Variants Information Model Facet Communication Server Facet FDI Host Single User X Multi User X X Table 2 – FDI Host Facets and related FDI Entities FDI Entities Information Model Facet Communication Server Facet FDI Client (OPC UA) — X FDI Communication Server — X 8 Life-cycle Model 8.1 Overview The FDI life-cycle model defines how different versions of FDI Clients, FDI Servers, FDI Packages, and devices can co-exist within a given system over time. The model is focused on the ability to add FDI Packages to a system Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 1: Overview RELEASED FCG TS62769-1 , Ed. 1.2.0, 21 Jun 2019 Page 21 of 29 without having to update FDI Clients or FDI Servers. The model supports the life-cycle model of devices, which includes adding, upgrading, and replacing devices in a system. The life-cycle model is based on the following principles. • Every FDI Client, FDI Server, and FDI Package shall have an FDI version number. This version number shall be the version of the FDI specification to which the client, server, or package was built. The major revision of all clients, servers, and packages in a given system shall be the same. • If any specification referenced by the FDI specification changes, the revision of the FDI specification shall change. • The version of the underlying technology shall be independent of the FDI version. • The FDI version supported by a specific FDI Client, FDI Server, or FDI Package can be queried. • The version of the underlying technology supported by a specific FDI Client, FDI Server, or FDI Package can be queried. Version queries can be used to determine interoperability and compatibility between FDI Clients, FDI Servers, and FDI Packages. • The algorithm for associating an FDI Package with a physical device is protocol specific. 8.2 Identification mechanism Universally unique identifiers (UUID) shall be used to uniquely identify entities within the FDI, see ISO/IEC 11578. A UUID is a 16-byte number that is usually expressed as a sequence of 32 hexadecimal digits, displayed in 5 groups separated by hyphens, in the following form: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. The following regular expression more precisely specifies the format of a UUID: ^(\{{0,1}[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}\}{0,1})$ 8.3 Versioning mechanism Version levels Overview The following pattern shall be used for all version numbers: < major release > . < minor release > . < revision > - < build number > Subclauses to specify the standard behavior when dealing with different versions. Some installations, for example in regulated industries, may require different handling. Major release Significant changes have been made that are not compatible with previous major releases. The necessity for those changes can be technology motivated, for example, an incompatible change of interfaces. They can also be strategically motivated, for example, the introduction of a new generation of existing elements. A major release coexists with other major releases of the same entity. The increment of a major release requires the UUID of the affected entity to be changed. The major release is a two digit number. Minor release (element upgrade) A fully backward compatible functional extension has been made, for example, by adding features or functionality. No actions have to be taken to use the updated entity in the existing environment. The entity fully interoperates with already deployed entities that might have lower minor release numbers. Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 1: Overview RELEASED FCG TS62769-1, Ed. 1.2.0, 21 Jun 2019 Page 22 of 29 A minor release overwrites an already deployed previous version of the same entity. The increment of a minor version number shall not impact the UUID of the affected entity. The minor release is a two digit number. Revision (element update) A fully backward compatible correction or editorial change has been made, i.e., a change that does not include any functional extensions. No actions have to be taken to use the updated entity in the existing environment. The entity fully interoperates with already deployed entities that might have lower revision numbers. A revision overwrites an already deployed previous version of the same entity. The increment of a revision number shall not impact the UUID of the affected entity. The revision is a two digit number. Build number The build number shall not be exposed to the end user and shall only be used for internal development purposes. FDI Technology Version General The FDI technology as such has to be versioned to make sure that all individually developed and provided elements are able to interoperate. The above described versioning mechanisms and principles shall be applied to the FDI Technology Version. The FDI Technology Version is directly and indirectly influenced by several factors such as interface changes/adjustments, behavior changes/adjustments, and changes of underlying technologies (referenced specifications). FDI components shall check the FDI Technology Version of connected components or FDI Packages to be consumed to ensure that both have the necessary FDI specific capabilities and are therefore able to interoperate. An FDI Server, for example, is implemented following a specific FDI Technology Version and therefore supports all FDI Packages following the same version or lower. FDI Clients can typically be connected to FDI Servers that are implemented following the same FDI Technology Version or higher. The following indicate the FDI Technology Version they support: • FDI Client (see FCG TS62769-2) • FDI Server (see FCG TS62769-3) • FDI Package (see FCG TS62769-4) • User Interface Plug-in (see FCG TS62769-4) Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 1: Overview RELEASED FCG TS62769-1 , Ed. 1.2.0, 21 Jun 2019 Page 23 of 29 Figure 3 – FDI Technology Version dependencies Figure 3 shows the influencing factors on the FDI Technology Version which are further described below. FDI core technology and concepts The FDI core technology and concepts are defined in all referenced parts of this specification. The specified interfaces, behaviors, state machines, and concepts have to be implemented according to this specification to ensure interoperability of FDI components. Changes to the specification documents such as fixing typographical errors, rephrasing to increase the clarity of the document, and other similar changes shall lead to an increment of the revision of the FDI Technology Version. Changes to the FDI core technology and concepts to improve the technology or to extend the feature set that are fully backward compatible shall lead to an increment of the minor release of the FDI Technology Version. If non-backward compatible changes are necessary, a new generation of the FDI technology shall be created by incrementing the major release of the FDI Technology Version. Technology mapping FDI components can be implemented using different implementation technologies and can also run on multiple platforms and operating systems. The details of those technologies are specified in FCG TS62769-6. Updates to mapped technologies shall not lead to an increment of the revision of the FDI Technology Version. The minor release of the FDI Technology Version shall be incremented when mapped technologies are upgraded without disturbing the interoperability and the proper execution of FDI components, for example, fully backward compatible operating system changes or introduction of additional implementation technologies, platforms, or operating system versions supported. FDI Technology Version Technology mapping Implementation technologies Operating system … FDI core technology and concepts Interfaces State machines … Referenced technologies Descriptive technologies (EDDL) Packaging technology (OPC) Data structure and communication (OPC UA) … Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 1: Overview RELEASED FCG TS62769-1, Ed. 1.2.0, 21 Jun 2019 Page 24 of 29 Incompatible changes or the discontinuing of mapped technologies shall lead to a new generation of FDI and an increment to the major release of the FDI Technology Version. Referenced technologies The FDI technology references technologies which are used to make possible and support specified functions and concepts of FDI. Those referenced technologies are maintained outside the scope of FDI. The FCG TS62769-6 lists the versions of the specifications referenced. Implementation of FDI components using different versions is not permitted. Updates to referenced technologies shall not lead to an increment of the revision of the FDI Technology Version. If a referenced technology specification is changed, the new version of the specification shall be adopted into FDI if those changes are fully backward compatible and those improvements also increase the value of FDI. The decision to adopt a new specification version of a referenced technology shall lead to an increment of the minor release of the FDI Technology Version. Generation changes of referenced technologies shall only be adopted by the FDI if this generation is fully compatible with the previous generation. These changes shall lead to an increment of the minor release of the FDI Technology Version but not to the major release. Table 3 summarizes influences on the FDI Technology Version. Table 3 – Summary of influences on the FDI Technology Version Influence FDI Technology Version – Version level Revision Minor Major FDI core technology and concepts Editorial Extend interfaces Extend functionalities Generation change by introducing non backward compatible functions or by removing existing aspects Technology mapping n/a Upgrade, fully compatible extensions or generations of mapped technologies Incompatible changes or discontinuing of mapped technologies Referenced technologies n/a Change if new reference technology fully backward compatible and increasing value n/a At least two succeeding major FDI Technology Versions (the latest and the previous generation of FDI) shall be supported in parallel as part of a single FDI Host installation. Support means that FDI Server(s) and FDI Client(s) implement the specifics of the supported technology versions and also accept the import of FDI Packages based on those FDI Technology Versions. Forward compatibility Version combinations to be handled FDI Packages are designed to a specific FDI Technology Version that is reflected in the FdiVersionSupported property of the respective FDI Package (see FCG TS62769-6). FDI Servers and FDI Clients are also designed to a specific FDI Technology Version. Table 4 specifies the combinations of FDI Package and FDI Client/Server that shall be supported. Subclauses to describe how each use case shall be handled. Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 1: Overview RELEASED FCG TS62769-1 , Ed. 1.2.0, 21 Jun 2019 Page 25 of 29 Table 4 – Combinations of Minor Versions that require special handling Component FDI Technology Version – Minor version < FDI Package = FDI Package > FDI Package FDI Server Deployment IM Creation Business Logic Execution User Interface Description No special handling needed Rules of backward compatibility, no special handling needed FDI Client Visualization (UID) UIP Execution No special handling needed Rules of backward compatibility, no special handling needed Deployment FDI Packages can be deployed to FDI Servers even if the FDI Package’s FDI Technology Version is higher than the FDI Server’s FDI Technology Version. An automatic blocking mechanism for such FDI Packages is prohibited. During the deployment process the user shall be clearly informed when an FDI Package with a higher version than is supported by the FDI Server is being deployed. Information Model creation The Information Model nodes are created on the basis of the EDD provided by the FDI Package. If there are EDD constructs that are not known to the FDI Server the creation of the Information Model shall be cancelled since it cannot be ensured that the FDI Package can be properly imported and that a consistent Information Model can be created. The FDI Server shall provide mechanisms to inform the user about the incompatibility. Business Logic execution Business Logic is executed by the FDI Server to create nodes in the Information Model and to protect the integrity of the Information Model. If there are EDD constructs (including built-in functions) that are not known to the FDI Server the execution of the Business Logic shall be cancelled since it cannot be ensured the Business Logic will not endanger the integrity of the Information Model. The FDI Server shall provide mechanisms to inform the user about the incompatibility. User Interface Description/Visualization User Interface Descriptions are created from EDD information and sent to the FDI Client by the FDI Server. If the FDI Client’s UID Interpreter is not able to interpret and/or visualize a part of the UID the user shall be informed, for example, by showing an empty control with an embedded question mark. UIP execution The forward compatibility of User Interface Plug-ins depends on the forward compatibility capabilities of the underlying implementation technology, see FCG TS62769-6. Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 1: Overview RELEASED FCG TS62769-1, Ed. 1.2.0, 21 Jun 2019 Page 26 of 29 Annex A (informative) FDI life-cycle concept summary A.1 General All aspects of the FDI technology supporting a stable and secure life-cycle of FDI based products are essential part of the technology itself. Therefore the different parts that can be called an FDI life-cycle concept are spread around the different specification parts. Annex A summarizes the most relevant aspects as a reference. A.2 Life-cycle relevant topics (references) Table A.5 and Table A.6 provide the life-cycle aspects. Table A.5 – Life-cycle aspects as part of the FDI technology Aspect FDI specification document Reference FDI Package Version and dependencies FCG TS62769-4:2016 (FDI Packages) Clause 6 FDI Packages scale with the described devices FCG TS62769-4:2016 (FDI Packages) Clause 4 FDI Technology Version FCG TS62769-1:2016 (Overview) Clause 8 Open and defined Information Model FCG TS62769-5:2016 (FDI Information Model) Clause 7 Referenced technologies FCG TS62769-6:2016 (FDI Technology Mapping) Table 1 Supported Firmware revisions of the FDI Package FCG TS62769-4:2016 (FDI Packages) Annex E Supported UIP revisions of the FDI Package FCG TS62769-4:2016 (FDI Packages) Annex E Technologies directly used by FDI FCG TS62769-6:2016 (FDI Technology Mapping) Clause 4 Versioning concept for FDI components FCG TS62769-1:2016 (Overview) Clause 8 FDI Package Registration Certification and signing mechanisms FCG TS62769-4:2016 (FDI Packages) Clause 7 Typical Use Cases during the life-cycle FCG TS62769-4:2016 (FDI Packages) Annex G Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 1: Overview RELEASED FCG TS62769-1 , Ed. 1.2.0, 21 Jun 2019 Page 27 of 29 Table A.6 – Life-cycle aspects as part of products and services provided with the FDI technology Aspect Product & Service FDI Package Conformance Testing FDI Conformance testing services provided by protocol foundations FDI Host Conformance Testing FDI Conformance testing services provided by protocol foundations FDI common EDD binary format EDDL Encoded File Format specification implemented in FDI Common Host Components FDI Standard Host components FDI Common Host Components provided by the protocol foundations Single registered FDI Package per firmware revision supported Ensured via FDI Conformance testing services provided by the protocol foundations FDT ® Interoperability FDI.dll provided by the protocol foundations Harmonized EDDL Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 1: Overview RELEASED FCG TS62769-1, Ed. 1.2.0, 21 Jun 2019 Page 28 of 29 Annex B (informative) ISSUE REPORTING FieldcommGroup strives to maintain the highest quality standards for its published specifications; hence they undergo constant review and refinement. Readers are encouraged to report any issues here: http://go.fieldcommgroup.org/support Next >